Hit and Run Accident Results in Death of Eight-Year-Old

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported today that an eight year old

girl was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver in south Fulton County

on Tuesday night. This

hit and run accident occurred on Campbellton Road on the 5300 block. The girl, who was later

identified as Jaleah Felix of College Park, was transported to Grady Hospital

where she was pronounced dead.

Police are still on the lookout for a dark colored SUV truck that may have

been responsible for this unfortunate and preventable death.

We are saddened to hear of another young life lost due to a hit and run

accident and our prayers go out to the family that has lost this child

at such a young age.

From an injury attorney’s perspective, this case highlights the need

for every person to make sure that they have adequate uninsured motorist

coverage to protect themselves and their family should there ever be a

claim for

wrongful death

or personal injury made against a hit and run driver.

In I a situation where a hit and run driver is cannot be located, a claim

could be made under the automobile policy insurance policy that covers

the injured person, provided that there is adequate uninsured motorist

coverage. In order to make this claim you must make sure that you hire an

Atlanta personal injury attorney

who understands uninsured motorist coverage and its implications in hit-and-run


What is uninsured motorist coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage is optional insurance that protects you if

someone injures you and does not have adequate coverage or any coverage

at all. Your insurance company will pay for your injuries in the event

that someone else is at fault. Best way to explain this is by an example.

Let’s say that someone hits you and causes severe injuries. Let’s

say that your personal injury claim is worth $100,000.00.

If the person that hits you only has $25,000 in liability coverage and

you do not have any uninsured motorist coverage, then if the person does

not have any assets, the most that you will likely recover is $25,000

for a claim that is worth $100,000.00. So how do you protect yourself

in this situation? Purchase uninsured motorist coverage. If you had uninsured

motorist coverage in the amount of $100,000.00 then you would be able

to collect $25,000.00 from the other party and an additional $75,000.00

from your insurance company to total $100,000.00 to compensate you for

your injuries.2

Most people say that it does not seem fair that your insurance company

has to pay for what the other person caused. That may very well be true,

but it is better to have your insurance company pay than for you to have

to pay it yourself. It is not a perfect system, but it is the best option

we have. You can take some consolation in the fact that your insurance

company will then have the right to go after the at fault party for what

it paid out.

At Henningsen Injury Attorneys, P.C., we are committed to ensuring that

our clients receive the best personal injury legal representation that

we can provide. This means that if you are involved in an accident in

Atlanta or throughout the state of Georgia, please call our experienced

Accident Attorney to assist you with your claim.
