Broken Bones and Personal Injury Claims

Broken bones can be caused by a variety of accidents and injuries. They are a common occurrence in various types of vehicle accidents and slip and fall injuries. If such an injury is the result of negligence or recklessness on the part of another, a personal injury attorney should be consulted as soon as possible after medical treatment. Broken bones can be grounds for personal injury claims. An attorney from our firm can review the details of your case and advise you on how to move forward to pursue compensation for all damages, including medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages, pain, and suffering, or other damages.

Broken bones that are the result of vehicle accidents are often very serious with multiple breaks or crushed or shattered bones. Bicycle accidents can also lead to severe or life-threatening skull fractures when a bicyclist is hit by a car or truck. Bones can be crushed in motorcycle accidents often leading to life-long disabilities. Pedestrian accidents involving cars and trucks can also cause dangerous fractures. When the elderly suffer from broken bones, such as those from slip and fall injuries their recoveries are often very difficult as they heal more slowly and their health may already be compromised.

Types of Broken Bone Injuries

Although bone fractures are not usually life-threatening, they can be very serious. In fact, some bone fractures require surgery and extensive medical attention to repair. There are many types of bone fractures, including stable, compound, transverse, oblique, and comminuted. A stable bone fracture occurs when the bone breaks but does not move out of place; each section of the bone remains unmoved. This type of break may be painful but is not always easy to identify.

On the other hand, compound fractures (also called open fractures) are unmistakable and can be very serious, depending on the size and location of the break. Simply put, a compound fracture occurs when the bone shatters and one of the segments pierces the skin, creating an open wound. After a compound fracture, the victim may be at risk of blood loss and shock. Other common types of bone fractures include:

  • Transverse – The bone broke in a horizontal line
  • Oblique – The bone broke at an angle
  • Comminuted – The bone broke into three or more pieces

Common Bone Fracture Causes

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons identifies three common bone fracture causes: trauma, osteoporosis, and overuse. Trauma from vehicle accidents, sports injuries, and falls are among the most common reasons for broken bones. Osteoporosis, a condition that weakens the bones, may result in fractures as well. Many times, individuals with osteoporosis are more likely to suffer broken bones from falls and vehicle collisions. Over time, repetitive motion can result in broken bones as well. As the muscles around the bone grow weak, outside forces (like sports injuries) will have a greater impact on the actual bone and may lead to a fracture.

Although some bone fractures are easy to identify, many are less apparent. The first symptom of a broken bone is pain. After an accident, a bone fracture victim will feel sharp and severe pain in the area surrounding the break. This pain may be severe enough to keep the individual from moving the injured limb or body part. Bone fractures may also cause swelling near the injury; however, this symptom is not limited to bone fractures and may be overlooked. Serious fractures can be identified by deformity of the affected limb. If the break is complete, the limb may appear twisted in the wrong direction. This type of fracture should be immediately treated by a doctor.

What to do After a Bone Fracture

If you or a loved one suffered a bone fracture, seek medical attention as soon as possible. If your accident was caused by another’s negligence, you may be able to recover financial compensation for medical expenses and non-economic damages. However, it is difficult – if not impossible – to substantiate a personal injury claim or lawsuit without medical records to confirm your injury.

Do I have grounds for a personal injury claim?

If you or a loved one has suffered broken bones from an accident or injury you may have a personal injury claim. Our firm offers a free consultation to those who have suffered broken bones or any serious injury. We will discuss the details of your unique situation and we can advise you how to best move forward legally. Our Atlanta firm takes no fee unless and until we have successfully won your claim. We have helped many over the past decade to recover large settlements or verdicts in court in cases involving broken bones.
